INTRODUCING: Caitlin, one of our new Auckland instructors!
Here are Five Fun Facts about Caitlin …
1. “I learned how to sail before I learned how to ride a bike! My uncle taught me in the Hauraki Gulf [of Auckland]. I’ve visited almost every single island in the Hauraki, and I reckon that I know it so well that you could plonk me down anywhere inside it and I would know where I was.”

2. “I row competitively. Singles, doubles and eights. Over the next few months, I will be competing in the North Island Club Champs and New Zealand Nationals.” [Caitlin is too modest to add that her current personal best time sees her on track for potentially winning a gold medal in her grade!] “I started rowing in Year 9, stopped for a while, rowed at AUT, and now row for West End Rowing Club in west Auckland.”

3. “After studying Outdoor Education at AUT, I’ve worked for five different outdoor adventure companies plus a couple of schools. My favourite trip was a bush hike to Speargrass Hut [in Nelson Lakes National Park]. There were epic views and the grass was literally as high as my shoulders!”
4. “I love coffee. A lot. I have an Aeropress (a portable espresso machine) that I take on every wilderness adventure with me.”

5. “One of my best memories was doing a survival course with a group of year 13 students. I spent some time chatting with one girl about what it is like working as an outdoor instructor. Then, a couple of years later, I bumped into her and found out that she had decided to study outdoor education after talking with me. Before that, she thought that it was a job just for men. So I was stoked to hear that I had helped her to see that it was possible for her too.”